Last Chance to See!

This is the last week of the Student Juried Show in the University Gallery.  We have pictures of students with their award-winning art if you need encouragement to see what students have been doing over the past year.

Phuong Duong, Intuitive, Spray paint and acrylic Winner of the Student Union Purchase Prize

Phuong Duong, Intuitive, Spray paint and acrylic Winner of the Student Union Purchase Prize

1st place: Maggie Adams, Sink or Swim, Cotton, fishing line


Third Prize: Natalie Gruber, A Fly in the Ointment, Watercolor

Best in show: Wesley Scafe, Market Worship, Wood, 3D printed plastic


2nd place: ZuZu Smugala, Pink Rock, Acrylic on canvas

Congratulations to Student Juried Show Award Winners

Heidi Cook, our gallery director, has announced the winners of this year’s juror prizes and the Student Union Purchase Prizes. Our juror this year was Nick Satinover of Middle Tennessee University, and he assigned the following juror’s awards:


Honorable Mentions:

Rachel McCary, Restless Wanderer, Oil on canvas

Shania Montúfar, Brain Fog, Inkjet print

Maddie Morris, Self Portrait Six Ways, Watercolor

Kristen Buck, Flowers leaping, Paper and wire

Kristen Buck, Flowers Leaping

3rd place ($50):

Natalie Gruber, A Fly in the Ointment, Watercolor


2nd place ($50):

ZuZu Smugala, Pink Rock, Acrylic on canvas


1st place ($75):

Maggie Adams, Sink or Swim, Cotton, fishing line


Best in show ($150):

Wesley Scafe, Market Worship, Wood, 3D printed plastic

Wesley Scafe, Market Worship


Each year selected Truman staff and student workers get to vote on two works to purchase for the Student Union Building Purchase Prize for $250 each. This year they chose

ZuZu Smugala, Pink Rock, Acrylic on canvas, Course: Painting III

Phuong Duong, Intuitive, Spray paint and acrylic


Congrats to our award winners! Please brag about this to all of your friends and family.

Exhibition in the Charlyn Gallery

Watchers by Natalie Gruber, detail

Watchers by Natalie Gruber, detail

Laura Bigger’s Intermediate and Advanced Drawing Exploration students present Drawing – Implied in the Charlyn Gallery. The works in the exhibition explore “drawing,” the verb, in the abstract and test the limits of what one considers a drawing. Each artist created a wall-based installation that emphasizes formal decisions to create something that reads as a drawing, considers implied line or line created by both traditional and nontraditional means, and intentionally incorporates light and shadow to draw in a three-dimensional space.

Artists include: Maggie Adams, Sarah Early, Jamie Foutch, Natalie Gruber, Abby Moreno, Stephen Poindexter and Wesley Scafe.

The exhibition runs February 1st through 25th.

Batik Workshop

Danielle Yakle demonstrates Batik

Professor Danielle Yakle demonstrates the process of batik to Truman students

In conjunction with the “Wandering Sprit: African Wax Prints” exhibition currently up in the gallery, we hosted a small batik workshop in the fibers studio. Indonesian batik textiles severed as the inspiration for the nineteenth-century industrial Dutch imitations that became what we call African wax print fabric today. Fibers professor Daniel Yakle and Fibers club students walked students through how to apply layers of wax resist to create patterns on dyed cotton. The results were stunning!

Students work on their batik scarves

Chetanae Ellison waves to the camera, enjoying her experimentation in wax painting on cloth.Wax painting

Stephen Poindexter paints in wax on a scarf.

Student with completed scarf

Lee Gardunia shows off a completed batik project.

Winners of the Student Union Building Purchase Prize Announced

Exciting news! Elisabeth Held’s relief print “St. Dolly” and Machayla Poe’s fiber work “Fried” have been selected for the 2020 Student Union Building purchase prize! Each year, staff and students who work at the Student Union vote on two artworks from the Juried Student Exhibition to purchase for permanent display in the SUB. It was a tight vote because there are so many strong works in this year’s Juried Student Exhibition, up until September 29th.

Truman student, Maggie Adams, accepted into the Surface Design Association’s Juried Student Exhibition.

Maggie Adams’ hand-felted installation work Digestive Gestation was accepted into Future Tense 2020.  The show will be on display at the Appalachian Center for Craft in Smithville, Tennessee, from August 13 – October 27.

Maggie Adams, Digestive Gestation

Maggie Adams, Digestive Gestation

Future Tense 2020 celebrates the creative work of student artists, designers, and makers working with or inspired by fiber or textile materials or techniques. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the future of contemporary fibers by presenting the very best work being made by students in the field today. This exhibition was juried by Stefanie Gerber, current director of the North Carolina Glass Center, and Rena Wood,  Assistant Professor at Tennessee Tech University’s School of Art, Craft & Design at the Appalachian Center for Craft.

A full online exhibition of Future Tense 2020 will be live soon.

Have a marvelous summer!

Truman is in to its summer season, with Joseph Baldwin Academy students on campus and incoming students visiting us to register for their fall classes.  We welcome all of you, and hope those who are students already (and alumni) are having a great summer, whether working or interning, or just hanging out at the beach and painting or reading a really good book!

We look forward to seeing new and returning students here in the fall.  May you have a wonderful summer wherever you may be.