Truman Art Faculty Honored
Design Professor Russell Nelson and Ceramics Professor Eric Ordway have both been selected as Featured Artists for the month of August by the Missouri Arts Council. The MAC selects artists with diverse demographics and locations throughout the state who are producing quality original work in a variety of art mediums and genres.
Last Chance to See!
This is the last week of the Student Juried Show in the University Gallery. We have pictures of students with their award-winning art if you need encouragement to see what students have been doing over the past year.
1st place: Maggie Adams, Sink or Swim, Cotton, fishing line
Third Prize: Natalie Gruber, A Fly in the Ointment, Watercolor
Best in show: Wesley Scafe, Market Worship, Wood, 3D printed plastic
2nd place: ZuZu Smugala, Pink Rock, Acrylic on canvas
Professor Matthew Derezinski’s work receives honor
This 15th edition of the Pollux Awards has been pre-screened by the curators of the Worldwide Photography Gala Award and juried by Julio Hirsch-Hardy, director of the Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography. A total of 439 photographers from 41 countries submitted 3,505 photographs for consideration of the pre-selection team of the Worldwide Photography Gala Awards and the final selection of the juror.
Design Capstone Show and Reception
Our graduating Design (Visual Communication) majors have set up an exhibition of their capstone work at the Kirksville Arts Association (1902 South Baltimore, Suite 100). Come and see their creative endeavors and get a chance to talk with them about their work and future plans. Their celebratory reception is Friday, May 11th, the evening before graduation. Congratulations to all our graduating seniors!
Branding: Advanced Design Class Shows Their Work
As the culminating assignment in the fall, ART 421 (Graphic Design IV) students designed logos, advertisements, and other branded items for the Kirksville Arts Association and one of its major events, the Red Barn Arts and Crafts Festival. Their work was on display in the Student Union Building in early December. Although it happened last semester, we thought you might like to see some photographs of the displays and their art.
Students and Faculty admire and discuss proposed branding for the Kirksville Arts Association.
Above and below: Some examples of student work.
2003 Alumna Dusty Folwarczny Visits Campus
Dusty Folwarczny, Studio Art graduate, and co-founder of Chicago’s Ink Factory, visited Truman in October to talk about her post-Truman career and provide a workshop on Visual Note Taking. She spoke to classes, including the Senior Capstone Seminar, and explained to students what she does as part of this innovative Chicago start-up, and gave them a chance to practice visual note taking themselves.
Dusty and Art Department chair Aaron Fine talk after her presentation.
Student tries out visual note taking.
Design IV Student Artwork on Display
Graphic Design Alumna Visits Campus
On Friday, October 13th, Gretchen Claire, a Truman Alumni and Graphic Design major, gave a presentation to design students about her work experiences. Gretchen works for environments WORKS, a Community Design Center firm that is based out of Seattle, Washington. She had been with the company for over eight months. The presentation discussed her ability to get job, what employers are looking for and what students need to think about after graduation. Once the presentation was over Gretchen met with seniors and juniors about their portfolios.
Eric Benson and Peter Fine and to Speak About Sustainable Design
Eric Benson and Peter Fine will speak at Take Root Cafe (on the north side of the square in Kirksville) on October 26th.