Exciting news! Elisabeth Held’s relief print “St. Dolly” and Machayla Poe’s fiber work “Fried” have been selected for the 2020 Student Union Building purchase prize! Each year, staff and students who work at the Student Union vote on two artworks from the Juried Student Exhibition to purchase for permanent display in the SUB. It was a tight vote because there are so many strong works in this year’s Juried Student Exhibition, up until September 29th.
Author: Art Department
Truman student, Maggie Adams, accepted into the Surface Design Association’s Juried Student Exhibition.
Maggie Adams’ hand-felted installation work Digestive Gestation was accepted into Future Tense 2020. The show will be on display at the Appalachian Center for Craft in Smithville, Tennessee, from August 13 – October 27.
Future Tense 2020 celebrates the creative work of student artists, designers, and makers working with or inspired by fiber or textile materials or techniques. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the future of contemporary fibers by presenting the very best work being made by students in the field today. This exhibition was juried by Stefanie Gerber, current director of the North Carolina Glass Center, and Rena Wood, Assistant Professor at Tennessee Tech University’s School of Art, Craft & Design at the Appalachian Center for Craft.
A full online exhibition of Future Tense 2020 will be live soon.
Have a marvelous summer!
Truman is in to its summer season, with Joseph Baldwin Academy students on campus and incoming students visiting us to register for their fall classes. We welcome all of you, and hope those who are students already (and alumni) are having a great summer, whether working or interning, or just hanging out at the beach and painting or reading a really good book!
We look forward to seeing new and returning students here in the fall.
May you have a wonderful summer wherever you may be.
Everybody Loves a Parade!
Danielle Yakle’s advanced sculpture classes celebrated their final project by having a parade from campus to downtown. The assignment was to create an outfit/costume that changed their body shape and incorporated programmed lights. Here are some pictures of this event, accomplished during a break between spring rain showers.
Science Faculty Purchase Student Art
Art student Elle Renault’s painting p53 was selected from the recent Flora and Fauna exhibition to be purchased and displayed indefinitely in Magruder Hall. Congratulations to Elle for being selected and having the honor of her work remaining on display at Truman State University! Thanks to Dr. Anne Moody for organizing this people’s choice award and to the science faculty that donated money to purchase the work! We hope to continue this interdepartmental tradition with subsequent Flora and Fauna exhibitions going forward.
Professor Josh Hainy Published!
Assistant Professor of Art History Josh Hainy has had an article included in Visualizing the Body in Art, Anatomy, and Medicine Since 1800: Models and Modelling, edited by Andrew Graciano, and published by Routledge.
The article, “Grecian Theory at the Royal Academy: John Flaxman and the Pedagogy of Corporeal Representation,” grows out of research on John Flaxman that was a part of his dissertation at the University of Iowa.
Laura Bigger Exhibits in Virginia
Art Bus Spring 2019
The Art Bus class this spring was a trip to Chicago led by painting professor Lindsey Dunnagan and printmaking professor Laura Bigger.
While there the class met with artists and curators, visited grad schools, and saw original works of art, such as Anish Kapoor’s Cloud Gate, known colloquially as “The Bean” because of its shape.
Photographs from High School Workshop
While judging took place during the April 10th Clarence Cannon Conference (CCC) Annual Art Show on Wednesday April 10th, the visiting high school students participated in a variety of workshops to experience working in the art studios and getting a taste of the university experience. In art history, students tried out an eighteenth century experience, copying the poses in paintings and sculptures to create tableaux vivantes, or “living scenes.”
High School Art Show and Competition
Truman State University welcomed high school students from the Clarence Cannon Conference (CCC) of north east Missouri for the annual CCC Art Show on Wednesday April 10th, 2019 . With about eighty students we were able to see some amazing artwork from the high school students and show off our facilities. With many of the art professors delivering workshops the students were able to get some time with a professor and a taste of the university experience.
Congratulations to Maci Winters of Clark County for her Sunflower piece winning Best of Show honors and getting a $500 scholarship to Truman State University!