Federico Barocci, Italian, c. 1533-1612; "Annunciation", 1582-84; oil on canvas; 97 5/8 x 67 inches; Vatican Museums, Vatican City; photo copyright Vatican Museums
We are looking forward very much to welcoming back an Art Department alumnus to campus later this week! Prof. Chris Naffziger (BA Art History, 2000) is Research Assistant in Early European Art to 1800 at the St. Louis Art Museum and teaches Art History at Lindenwood University. He will be returning to speak about two projects he is actively involved in. The first is the exhibition currently in display at the St. Louis Art Museum about sixteenth-century Italian Renaissance painter Federico Barocci (http://www.slam.org/barocci); the exhibition travels from St. Louis to The National Gallery in London (under a different title). Chris will speak about Barocci with Dr. Julia DeLancey's ART 324 Renaissance Art class, and then will give a public lecture about his work on the exhibition: "You Spent How Many Years Working on This?: Reflections on Mounting a Major Renaissance Painting and Drawing Exhibition", Thursday, November 29, 4:15 p.m., OP 2210.
In addition, Prof. Naffziger writes the popular and award-winning blog, St. Louis Patina, which chronicles architecture in one of Missouri's most well-known cities. Prof. Naffziger will be working with Dr. Cole Woodcox's JINS course on architecture while on campus. The blog was awarded "Best Architecture Blog" by The Riverfront Times in St. Louis.
All events are free and open to the public; hope to see you there!

Federico Barocci, Italian, c. 1533-1612; "Study for the Head of the Virgin Mary for the Annunciation"; chalk and pastel on blue paper; 11 3/4 x 9 inches; Lent by Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, The Royal Collection copyright 2011 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II/The Bridgeman Art LIbrary