Dr. Julia DeLancey's article, "Shipping Colour: Valute, Pigments, Trade, and Francesco di Marco Datini" came out last month in a new volume entitled 'Trade in Artists' Materials: Markets and Commerce in Europe to 1700' (eds. Jo Kirby, Susie Nash, and Joanna Cannon, London: Archetype, 2010). The article publishes research Dr. DeLancey conducted in the Archivio di Stato (state archives) in Prato, Italy on the late fourteenth- and early fifteenth-century Italian merchant Francesco di Marco Datini and in particular on what some of the documents in Datini's archive can tell us about the movement of painters' pigments around the Mediterranean. The twenty-eight articles published in the volume were originally presented at an international interdisciplinary conference in 2005 organized by the National Gallery in London and the Courtauld Institute, also in London. Dr. DeLancey's research for this conference paper and article was funded by a summer stipend from the National Endowment for the Humanities.