Natural Domestic, the exhibit by the Crescent Collective (including Truman Professor Laura Bigger), is on display in Minneapolis this month.
Truman State printmaking professor Laura Bigger and her two collaborators, Teréz Iacovino (on the left, an artist), and Artemis Ettsen (in the middle, an architect), currently have a solo exhibition in Minneapolis. The trio collectively is known as the Crescent Collective. with my collaborative trio Crescent Collective. The show is called Natural Domestic and is housed at Form + Content gallery. Laura tells us “This work is distinct from my independent work although it thematically overlaps very closely.”
Temporary Assistant Professor of Photography Amanda Breitbach has curated an art exhibit in St Louis at Webster University’s Gateway Campus. “Rendered Visible” is her contribution to the Arcade Comtemporary Art Projects is an exhibition of photographs that address the topic of American incarceration and the justice system.