Truman State University Art Department faculty and alumni participated in the recent Renaissance Society of America annual conference in New York City in late March, 2014.
Dr. Jasmine Cloud (alumna, Art History; who just recently received her doctorate in Art History from Temple University) presented a paper entitled "In and Out of the Roman Forum: Charting the Properties of Ss. Cosma e Damiano and S. Francesco Romana" based on her archival research on Roman architecture and urban layout.
In addition, Dr. Julia DeLancey (Art History) and Dr. John Garton (alumnus, Art History; Associate Professpr of Art History at Clark University) co-organized a pair of sessions entitled "Harmonies and Disharmonies in Leonardo 's Approaches ot the Body". In one of those sessions, Dr. Garton presented a paper entitled "Leonardo and Creative Ugliness" and Dr. DeLancey a paper entitled "On Bended Knee: Leonardo da Vinci and the Anatomy of Devotion". The sessions came out of a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute, "Leonardo da Vinci: Between Science and Art" held in Florence, Italy in the summer of 2012. The Institute was organized by Dr. Francesca Fiorani (University of Virginia).
Finally, Dr. Ryan Gregg (alumnus, Art History: Assistant Professor, Webster University) presented a paper entitled "Anachronism as Fact: Vasari's Resurrection of the Porta San Gallo Monastery for Cosimo il Vecchio" in a session called "Reconsidering Premodern Accuracy: Verisimilitude and Truth Claims".