This coming week will see the opening of two exciting new shows in the University Art Gallery (OP 1114), both of which will run from January 17 – February 17, 2012:
Voyeur: Repositioning the Gaze
This exhibition was curated by the 2012 Truman Curatorial Fellowship recipient, Prof. Brandelyn Dillaway, and includes work by Deedra Baker, Safaa Bilal, Daniel Colburn, Robert Ladislas Derr, Gina Genis, Nate Larson & Marni Shindelman, Freja Mitchell, and Thinh Nguyen. More information about the exhibition and its themes is available here.
Prof. Dillaway will give a presentation on Tuesday, January 17 at 5:00 p.m. in OP 2210, and there will be an artists' panel discussion on Wednesday, January 18 at 12:00 Noon in the Gallery.
Anyone interested in applying for the Truman Curatorial Fellowship should contact University Art Gallery Director Prof. Aaron Fine at afine@truman.edu.
Any students interested in talking with Prof. Dillaway about their own work, or about curating, may sign up for her "office hours" to be held on Wednesday in the University Art Gallery (OP 1114). The sign-up sheet will be posted later in the day on Tuesday outside OP 1223.
Pioneers of Digital Media Invitational
Curated by Art Department Prof. Matt Derezinski, this show Includes work by Eric Standley, Eric Winter, Siji Keda, and Dane Webster. Events related to this show will happen in early February so please check back here for more information.
Both shows are free and open to the public. There will be an opening reception for both shows in the Gallery (OP 1114) on Tuesday, January 17 at 6:00 p.m.