Mohler gives Trek Talk on personal identity

Mohler gives Trek Talk on personal identity

Mohler gives Trek Talk on personal identity

April 12, 2022


Chad Mohler, Professor of Philosophy and Religion, will present a talk in Truman’s “Trek Talk” Series on Tuesday, April 12, at 6:00 p.m. in the Del and Norma Robison Planetarium in Magruder Hall:

Can Computers Be People, Too?:
Star Trek and Personal Identity
Could computers, androids, or other forms of artificial intelligence some day have the qualities necessary to count as persons?  Join us on the deck of the USS Enterprise as we explore this important question in the philosophical area known as metaphysics.  We’ll plumb the depths of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s “The Measure of a Man” episode to shed (star)light on what qualities are necessary for personhood.  Does Commander Data have the rights of a person, or is Data instead merely physical property?  Come to the Planetarium “holodeck” for an illuminating discussion!

This is an in-person event in the Planetarium, but those who wish to attend via Zoom should email Jared Young at

(Dr. Mohler’s talk will be presented via Zoom onto the planetarium dome, holodeck style!)