New Courses to be available for Summer 2012

New Courses to be available for Summer 2012

New Courses to be available for Summer 2012

November 16, 2011

PHRE community,

Dr. Alexander’s PHRE 189: Philosophy & Literature will soon be open to all students, after having been reserved for 1st year registration. If you are looking to pick up this class, now’s your opportunity!

You may also be interested to know that Dr. Mike Ashcraft will offer both PHRE 188: Ethics and PHRE 301: Christianity during the first block of summer school in 2012. This brings our summer offerings, with Dr. Alexander’s PHRE 189: Philosophy and Literature and PHRE 336: Ancient Philosophy to four, including TWO of the major required courses.

Also, if you are relatively new to the major, don’t forget about PHRE 120: New Major’s Colloquium, taught by Dr. Alexander from 1:30 to 2:20 pm on Thursdays next Spring. The course will orient you to the professional ways of thinking, writing, and researching that are unique to the fields of philosophy and religious studies, with attention also to graduate school and post-college employment.

Dereck Daschke, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor
Department of Philosophy & Religion