COVID-19 update, 10/28/2020

Dear Faculty Senators, Deans, Chairs, and friends,

Here’s a 6-minute video summary of this week’s COVID numbers, which have flattened after several weeks of increases, but are still above the level we’d like to see.

Some of this week’s cases are the “bloom” from last week’s cases spreading through their pods, and we don’t think the bloom is quite over yet. Please remember the basics – avoiding crowds AND distance AND masks AND handwashing. While 6 ft is a good standard, it’s not a magic barrier to COVID-19, so keeping more distance in well ventilated spaces is definitely recommended.

Thanks to Student Government for this week’s tip sheet on voting. If you do find yourself in quarantine or isolation on election day, you can call the county clerk, (660) 665-3350, to learn options about a last minute absentee ballot. You can also check out 1-866-OUR-VOTE,, for help.

Student Government has a second tip sheet this week of Mental Health Tips for the classroom, building on their best practices document from the summer.

Also thanks to Katie Judd, who has compiled some coping resources for students. While we faculty and staff can help share these resources with students, almost all of them are good for us, too. If we learn one thing from her post, it’s that we don’t have to solve everything at once. Work on one thing right now – Take a walk, drink more water, get a good night’s sleep – even if you can’t fix everything today.

On November 9th, another round of free COVID-19 testing will happen at the NEMO fairgrounds.

Advance registration will be required, and will be up on this page soon:

Ongoing drive-through COVID is available at the Kirksville Hy-Vee on limited days, sponsored by eTrueNorth

You need to register ahead of time at this link.

Flu shots continue to be offered to students at the Health Center, as well as at local pharmacies and health centers. While flu shots don’t protect you against COVID

Please forward this information to your departments or other interested groups of faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends. Although we aim these videos and sheets at faculty, please share the video and this information with students in your classes and elsewhere.

Our earlier videos and Tip Sheets are available here:

If there are other questions or things you’d like to know more about, please contact us at:

-Faculty Senate COVID-19 Working Group
(Nancy Daley-Moore, Christine Harker, and Scott Alberts)

COVID-19 Testing Process Clarifications

Student Government representatives have recently brought to our attention that there remains confusion on several important topics related to COVID-19 and related campus processes.  We hope this information will be helpful in reducing confusion and ultimately anxiety or concern about these issues.

Who can be tested at the Student Health Center?

Students who meet one or more of the following criteria can receive rapid testing at the Student Health Center (these criteria are consistent with CDC Guidance, available here):

  • Students who are symptomatic.
  • Students who have been advised to be tested by a contact tracer or medical professional.
  • Students who have had close contact with a person who has received a positive test result. Please call the Student Health Center to determine whether your circumstances meet the CDC definition of close contact, which is:
    • You were within 6 feet of someone who has COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes or more
    • You provided care at home to someone who is sick with COVID-19
    • You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them)
    • You shared eating or drinking utensils
    • They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you

Why won’t the Student Health Center also test students who just want to be sure they are not infected with the Coronavirus, especially when we hear about ‘free tests’?

  • Workforce availability – We currently have two registered nurses and one nurse practitioner at the Student Health Center. One of those has to be available for other (non-COVID) student health concerns and for the required reporting of all tests. All COVID testing first requires an assessment by a nurse practitioner via Zoom who determines the appropriate recommendation. For example, COVID and influenza can have very similar symptoms. The nurse practitioner evaluates the patient through Zoom and then determines what testing is needed (i.e. PCR, Rapid, Influenza) and the most appropriate testing time.
  • Time – Although it is referred to as a ‘rapid test’, each test takes at least 25-30 minutes on average for obtaining the sample, running the test and completing the form required by the Health Department. Combined with the number of nursing staff available for testing, we don’t have the capacity to manage testing beyond those meeting the criteria listed above.
  • Free Tests – While we hear a lot about ‘free tests’, what that generally means is that the test kits (testing materials) are free, but there are costs associated with labor to conduct the test, processing test samples at the lab, interpretation of results, etc.  Some of the ‘free tests’ also require payment for express shipping the test kits between the University and the designated lab. So ‘free testing’ can be a bit of a misnomer unless you look at all the fine print.  Charges associated with the assessment for individuals without insurance are currently being written off by the Student Health Center.

Where can students be tested?

  • Student Health Center (based on criteria above)
  • Urgent Care/Complete Family Medicine
  • At their family/personal health care provider at home
  • Drive through testing sites as they become available both in Kirksville or at home
  • Hy-Vee (call for specified testing hours and register at to receive a required voucher number.) Testing is free.
  • Ambulance District
  • Northeast Regional Medical Center (charges may apply)

What should I do if I test positive somewhere other than the Student Health Center?

If you are tested at an off-campus facility and are notified of positive results, please contact the Student Health Center (660-785- 4182) within 24 hours so we can provide accurate information regarding the number of active cases and the number of recoveries.  We are also required to provide this information to the Adair County Public Health Department.

How do I know if I should get tested for COVID-19? For example, what should I do if I have had close contact with someone else who had close contact with a person required to quarantine, or a person who has been placed in isolation?

  • If you have had close contact (as defined above) with a person who has had close contact with someone who tested positive, you may not necessarily need to be tested.
  • If the person you have been in close contact with has been placed in isolation, or has become symptomatic, you should contact the Student Health Center for guidance.
  • If the person you have been in close contact with has been asked to quarantine and they have not developed symptoms it is not necessary for you to be tested.

When in doubt, contact the Student Health Center or your personal health care provider.

Quarantine keeps someone who has been exposed to COVID-19 away from others. Quarantine helps prevent spread of disease that can occur before a person knows if they are sick or infected with the virus without feeling symptoms.  People in quarantine have not tested positive for COVID-19.

Isolation is used to separate people who have tested positive for COVID-19 from people who have not been exposed or infected.  The University has designated a section of Campbell Apartments that were intentionally kept available for use by on-campus residents who may be required to isolate.

Students living off campus with a roommate, who need to isolate, should separate themselves from others by staying in a specific “sick room” or area and using a separate bathroom (if available).  Meals should be left at the door of the “sick room” so as to minimize the risk of spreading the virus.  Masks should be worn anytime in common areas.

Additional information available from the CDC is located here.

Our COVID-19 numbers are low compared to other schools.  How is Truman tracking cases?

All positive cases in Adair County are reported to the Adair County Health Department (ACHD). Cases involving Truman students, faculty and staff are reported from the ACHD to the Student Health Center so that the university is kept informed of the COVID infectivity on campus. Students, faculty and staff are also asked to report positive COVID results that are obtained outside Adair County to the Student Health Center so that accurate monitoring and reporting can be achieved.

Coronavirus Self-Checks

Students may download the ClearCampus app for daily symptom checks prior to leaving their residence each day.  Go to for additional information and to download the app.

An additional resource from the CDC regarding self-check of symptoms is available at:

The Coronavirus Self-Checker is an interactive clinical assessment tool that will assist individuals ages 13 and older, and parents and caregivers of children ages 2 to 12 on deciding when to seek testing or medical care if they suspect they, or someone they know has contracted COVID-19 or has come into close contact with someone who has COVID-19.  The online, mobile-friendly tool asks a series of questions, and based on the user’s responses, provides recommended actions and resources.

Janna Stoskopf
Vice President
Student Affairs


COVID-19 update, 10/21/2020, Safe Halloween

Dear Faculty Senators, Deans, Chairs, and friends,

Here’s a 4-minute video summary of this week’s COVID numbers, which again show an increase.

We continue to see some off-campus events where large groups of people are meeting without precautions. With the weather getting colder, it makes sense that more things are indoors, but really trying to avoid large groups is going to be even more important.

The attached tip-sheet ponders how we might think about staying safe while having fun this Halloween.

Faculty Senate Working Group - chart OCT 21_2021

Free drive-through testing on limited days at the Kirksville Hy-Vee, sponsored by eTrueNorth

You need to register ahead of time at this link.

After registering, you’ll print out a sheet with your important information.

Remember that after completing a test, you are asked to isolate as a presumed positive., normally 3-5 days.

Flu shots continue to be offered to students at the Health Center, as well as at local pharmacies and health centers.

Please forward this information to your departments or other interested groups of faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends. Although we aim these videos and sheets at faculty, please share the video and this information with students in your classes and elsewhere.

Our earlier videos and Tip Sheets are available here:

If there are other questions or things you’d like to know more about, please contact us at:

-Faculty Senate COVID-19 Working Group
(Nancy Daley-Moore, Christine Harker, and Scott Alberts)

COVID Info and Announcements: Flu Vaccines and FREE COVID Testing

I’m sure that you, like many of us, are feeling COVID-weary. It is important to remember, however, that the virus does not get weary. It just keeps right on trying to infect us! Though our COVID-positive numbers on campus are still relatively good, they are continuing to increase. Thus, this reminder: it is important that we continue to practice the infection-preventing habits of avoiding large gatherings, wearing masks consistently (both on and off campus), and washing our hands frequently! We all want to make it safely to the end of the semester and to protect the health of our fellow students, faculty, and staff.

Now, for some good news: The Adair County Health Department has made available to us fifty (50) free doses of flu vaccine. We are offering these free doses first to uninsured students. Just walk in to the Health Center any morning this week and verify that you are uninsured and we will give you your vaccination! If any of those fifty doses are unused, beginning next week they will be available to any student on a first-come, first-serve basis. We are very thankful to the Health Department for providing this to us.

And, a 2nd bit of good news. There is now another place for FREE Covid testing. Hy Vee is offering free testing on Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 7 am to 9 am. It is also available on Saturdays from 8-10 am. You must first register online at, where a voucher will be provided that you present at the time of your testing. You can print out the voucher or just write down the number to provide to the Hy Vee personnel. You administer the test yourself, with instructions, and results are emailed to you within 3-4 days. Any positive test should be reported to the Student Health Center so that we may continue to provide accurate public numbers and ensure appropriate on-campus housing and meal service.

Thank you for all you’ve been doing to observe our masking policies and restrictions on gatherings. Without your cooperation, we would not have been able to have on-campus classes and activities. Truman students are truly the best!


Brenda Higgins, EdD, APRN-BC, FNP
Assoc. VP for Student Health and Wellness

COVID-19 update, 10/14/2020

Dear Faculty Senators, Deans, Chairs, and friends,

Here’s a 9-minute video summary of this week’s COVID-19 numbers, which continue to rise back to earlier levels.

Even more than the increased current numbers is our worry that the numbers may go up before they go down.

Faculty Senate Working Group - chart OCT 14_2021

We spent some time to explain the attached “Swiss Cheese” model – the idea that no single intervention is enough, but doing as many as you can as often as you can will really make a difference.

This meme was made by Ian Mackay from University of Queensland at

We recommend sharing it widely or using in your classes, and encouraging students, colleagues, and friends to add layers.

We also discussed ways to think about trying to relax this week for our Fall Break week that includes no actual break (spoiler: go outside), and the idea that students should start thinking about their plan for Thanksgiving – Should they self-quarantine before they go home? Once they get there? Answers will vary, but the time to start a conversation with parents and friends is now.

The Adair County drive-through flu shots are today at the NEMO Fairgrounds:

Current Truman Students may get a Flu Shot from the Health Center:

Hy-Vee, Walmart, and Walgreens also offer flu shots at low cost (free with most insurance).

Please forward this information to your departments or other interested groups of faculty, students, staff, alumni, and friends.

Although we aim these videos and sheets at faculty, it’s good to share this information with students in your classes and elsewhere.

Our earlier videos and Tip Sheets are available here:

If there are other questions or things you’d like to know more about, please contact us at:

-Faculty Senate COVID-19 Working Group
(Nancy Daley-Moore, Christine Harker, and Scott Alberts)

Spring 2021 Course Delivery Methods

Dear Students:

Registration for the Spring Semester will begin in a couple of weeks.  As was the case in the fall, courses will vary in their mode of delivery in order to preserve social distancing.  Courses will be online or in person.  Others will be hybrid with students meeting in class on different days of the week.  As you review the Open Course List, you can find out the details of your prospective course’s delivery by looking at the special notes on each course.  To do this:

  1. Search for the course you are interested in taking using the Open Course List.
  2. Once you have found the available sections of the course, click on the CRN number hyperlinked to the left of the course discipline and number.
  3. The course notes that appear will contain details about the arrangements for your course.  We have asked departments to categorize their courses using the options below.

Course Modality Options


Online – Asynchronous
The course is fully online and students access content on their own at a time in the day of their choosing.

Online – Synchronous
The course is fully online, but students meet in real time, on a regular schedule, with their professor and peers via Zoom or a similar platform.

Fully on Campus
All students meet in a regular classroom setting at normally scheduled times. All students can fit in the designated class space while social distancing.

Blended On Campus/Online
A combination of face-to-face and online learning. This may include an arrangement where students rotate through the classroom on different days or weeks or could involve a combination of synchronous or asynchronous activities depending on the circumstances of the course.

The course is taught predominantly online, in an asynchronous format, but students are encouraged to periodically visit a classroom or laboratory space to work on problems, projects, or group discussions in a manner that respects social distancing. The primary work of the course is done outside of class.

The course is intentionally designed to allow students to attend face-to-face or complete content online as it suits them, provided they meet the course objectives.

The course grants credit for performing an internship off-site.  The course is remote, but not considered an online course

The course grants credit for participation in a training activity or co-curricular experience, such as in some health professions, student media, forensics, etc.

Clinical/Field Experience
Learning is taking place completely or partially in a remote setting under the supervision of a professional, such as in Education or various health professions.

If you are uncertain about how a class is being delivered, contact the individual department or faculty member for more information about the plans for the course.  As the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic remains fluid, modes of delivery are subject to change due to extenuating circumstances.

Thank you for your continued patience with this process.  We hope you have had a wonderful semester so far and hope you are excited about the offerings in the spring.


Janet L. Gooch, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
203 McClain Hall
100 E. Normal Avenue
Kirksville, MO 63501
Phone: (660) 785-4105



Early Progress Grades for Fall 2020

Dear student,

Early Progress Grades for full-term 100-200 level courses for the fall 2020 semester are available via TruView. When you log in to view your grades, you will either see:

  1. nothing because your instructor did not submit a grade or progress report for your 100-200 level courses,
  2. a grade listed,
  3. a grade and “Progress Report” listed to the right side of the course, or
  4. “Progress Report” listed to the right side of the course.  If you click on “Progress Report”, you will see what comment(s) the faculty member of the course entered for you.

To view your grades, log in to TruView, click on the Student Tab; then click on Early Progress Reports under the Student Data Channel/Box-Course & Grades Tab.

Below are the predetermined comments a faculty member could select for a student. Following these options, a faculty member could also type in individualized comments and they would be displayed for you to read.

Y         The student is making satisfactory progress in the class.

The student is not making satisfactory progress in the class.

Reasons for academic difficulty

Frequent absences from class

Failure to complete and turn in assignments

Poor performance on quizzes, exams, and/or class assignments

Lack of class participation


Example Individualized Comments: I continue to appreciate your positive engagement in the classroom. Keep up the good work.

Even though all of the predetermined comments are listed, the only comments that apply to your progress in the class are the ones that have a “Y” by the comment and any individualized comments the faculty member may type in after the word “Comments”.  So in this case, the student is making satisfactory progress in the class and the faculty member appreciates the student’s engagement in the class.

If you have academic concerns with your course(s), be sure to contact your professor(s).  If you have questions about how to read your Early Progress report, contact the Registrar’s Office at x4143 or

Nancy Asher, Registrar
Truman State University
100 E. Normal Avenue
Kirksville, MO 63501
Fax: 660-785-7396



Important Dates for Oct., Nov., & Dec.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding registration or graduation, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or 660-785-4143.


Important Dates of the Week (Oct 5-9)

  • Tuesday, October 6, 2020 is the last day to:
    • withdraw from all courses with a 25% refund in tuition and fees*
    • last day of first-block courses
  • Wednesday, October 7, 2020 is the:
    • first day of second-block courses

Important Dates of the Week (Oct 12-16)

  • Monday, October 12, 2020 is:
    • the last day to sign up to waitlist a second-block course. You may not have the full 24-hours to enroll in a course so be sure to watch your e-mail carefully if you are on a waitlist and close to the top!
  • Tuesday, October 13, 2020 is the last day to:
    • add a second-block course
    • sign up to audit a second-block course
    • drop a second-block course without the $50 Add/Drop fee being assessed to the student account
    • change a second-block course to CR/NC (credit/no credit) without the $35 CR/NC fee being assessed to the student account

Important Dates of the Week (Oct 19-23)

  • Wednesday, October 21, 2020 is:
  • Wednesday, October 21, 2020 is the last day to:
    • drop a second-block course without a W appearing on the student transcript and with a $50 Add/Drop fee being assessed to the student account
  • Friday, October 23, 2020 is the last day to:
    • change a full-semester course to CR/NC (credit/no credit) with the $35 CR/NC fee being assessed to the student account


Important Dates of the Week (Nov 2-6)

  • Friday, November 6, 2020 is the last day to:
    • drop a full-semester course with a W appearing on the student transcript and the $50 Add/Drop fee being assessed to the student account

Important Dates of the Week (Nov 9-13)

  • Tuesday, November 10, 2020 is the last day to:
    • change a second-block course to CR/NC (credit/no credit) with the $35 CR/NC fee being assessed to the student account
  • Wednesday, November 11, 2020 is the last day to:
    • drop a second-block course with a W appearing on the student transcript and with the $50 Add/Drop fee being assessed to the student account

Important Dates of the Week (Nov 16-21)

  • Saturday, November 21, 2020 is the Fall Commencement Ceremony:
    • 10am Ceremony is for Bachelor of Science candidates
    • 1:30pm Ceremony is for all Masters candidates and for all Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Music, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing candidates
    • No guests are allowed to be in attendance and masks are required for the ceremony


Important Dates of the Week (Nov 30- Dec 4)

  • Friday, December 4, 2020 is the last day:
    • to withdraw from all courses with a 0% refund and WP/WF (withdraw pass or withdraw fail) assigned to the student transcript *

Important Dates of the Week (Dec 7-10)

  • Monday, December 7, 2020 is:
    • the first day of finals
  • Wednesday, December 9, 2020 is:
    • Reading Day – No Finals
  • Friday, December 11, 2020 is:
    • the last day of finals

*Note: Students MUST use their TruView accounts if they are withdrawing from all of their courses for a semester. All F and J students MUST consult with the CIS before withdrawing from all of their courses for a semester.

Please follow these steps to withdraw from the entire semester:

  • Log in to your TruView account.
  • Select “Student” in the upper left corner.
  • Under Student Data, select “Registration”.
  • Select “Withdraw From All Courses for a Selected Semester”.
  • Select “continue” only if you intend to withdraw from your entire semester. (Note: You may not drop your last course – you must withdraw from the semester.)
  • Log in to the withdrawal process using your TruView log in information.
  • You must complete the entire survey for an email to be sent to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Once the email is received, you will be withdrawn from all courses for your semester using the date you completed the survey.

ent and withdrawal deadlines, check online at

Viewing Final Grades

Fall 2020 First-Block grades will be available to view Monday, October 12th. Full Semester and Second-Block grades will be available to view Thursday, December 17th. You may access your grades by going to and entering your username and password for the TruView Portal on the upper right side of the homepage.  Then:

  1. Select the Student tab
  2. Under Student Data, look for Courses & Grades
  3. Select FINAL GRADES
  4. Select term
  5. Select ‘Display Grades’

Apply for Fall Graduation!

Students expecting to graduate in Fall 2020 should have applied to graduate by July 1st. If you plan to graduate in Fall 2020, apply immediately. The LATE deadline to apply for fall graduation is November 1, 2020.  If you apply later than November 1st, a $25 late application fee will be applied and your name will not appear in the commencement program. You can now apply online through TruView.  To apply online through TruView, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Student Tab.
  2. Under Student Date, in the Registration column, select Apply to Graduate.
  3. Follow the instructions.

If you have already applied for graduation and are enrolled in courses other than those originally listed on your graduation application, you need to update your application with the Registrar’s Office.  You can either email or come to 104 McClain Hall between 8AM-5PM, Monday through Friday to update your graduation application.

Transcript Reminder!

If you took courses at another college or university over the summer, remember to contact that institution and have an official transcript sent to the Registrar’s Office so your credit can be reviewed!  Official transcripts should be sent to:

Truman State University
Registrar’s Office
100 East Normal Street
Kirksville, MO  63501 (for electronic submission only)

Thanksgiving Break: University offices will be open Monday, November 23 and Tuesday, November 24 but will be closed November 25-27.  If you request a transcript between November 27 and November 29, these transcripts will be processed when the university re-opens on Monday, November 30.

Winter Break: The University will remain open and transcripts will be processed as usual during the winter break except for December 21-25 and December 31-January 1. Like with Thanksgiving Break, any transcripts ordered during these times will be processed when the university re-opens on the next business day.

For all fall enrollment and withdrawal deadlines, check online at

If you have any questions or concerns regarding registration or graduation, please contact the Registrar’s Office at or 660-785-4143.

Thank you,

Nancy Asher

Preparing for Spring 2021 Registration

Dear student,

Registration for the Spring 2021 semester is approaching. Official registration times at Truman are assigned by earned credit hours. The registration dates for the spring 2021 term are listed below, and you may register and add/drop courses at or after these times but not before.


Spring 2021 Registration Schedule
Group (by recorded hours earned as of October 2020) First Available Registration Date First Available Time
Graduate Students
0.00+ hours earned Wednesday, October 21 7:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Students
125.0+ hours earned Wednesday, October 21 7:00 a.m.
107.5 – 124.99 hours earned Thursday, October 22 7:00 a.m.
95.5 – 107.49 hours earned Friday, October 23 7:00 a.m.
83.5 – 95.49 hours earned Monday, October 26 7:00 a.m.
70.5 – 83.49 hours earned Tuesday, October 27 7:00 a.m.
60.0 – 70.49 hours earned Wednesday, October 28 7:00 a.m.
48.0 – 59.99 hours earned Thursday, October 29 7:00 a.m.
37.0 – 47.99 hours earned Friday, October 30 7:00 a.m.
30.0 – 36.99 hours earned Monday, November 2 7:00 a.m.
22.0 – 29.99 hours earned Tuesday, November 3 7:00 a.m.
11.0 – 21.99 hours earned Wednesday, November 4 7:00 a.m.
1.0 – 10.99 hours earned Thursday, November 5 7:00 a.m.
0.0 – 0.99 hours earned Friday, November 6 7:00 a.m.


As a currently enrolled Truman student, you are eligible to register for spring 2021 courses via TruView.

If you are an international student who is studying from your home country and have internet connectivity issues, you may contact the Registrar’s Office at and we will work with you to help you enroll. We are able to enroll you on your scheduled registration day starting at 8:00a.m. if you email your desired spring 2021 course list with CRNs listed. You are responsible for clearing all holds ahead of time and ensuring that you meet all pre-requisites or test score requirements. We will reply to your email once you are registered. If we are not able to enroll you due to any registration errors, we will notify you of the errors so you can address the issues with the appropriate department(s).

To register for classes login to TruView and click on the Student tab, then on the Registration tab within the Student Data box/channel. Then click on Register/Change Schedule to enter the Registration Module and click on Register for Classes. Once registration opens on October 21, you will be able to select the Spring 2021 term and be able to use the registration tool to find classes, enter CRNs, build a schedule, and submit your registration on your assigned registration date.

Below are steps you must do before you register along with some tips and hints as you prepare for registration.  You can also find a step-by-step tutorial at

Please make sure to meet with your advisor and check your registration status BEFORE your registration time to ensure that all of your accesses are functioning properly, you have been cleared to register, and holds have been cleared.

In TruView, you should navigate to the Registration tab to prepare for registration by checking your registration status, updating student term data and completing pre-registration requirements (such as the Registration Agreements and seeing if there are any other holds on your account that need cleared to register). If you have not submitted your Registration Agreement or cleared your registration holds, you will not be able to enroll.  If you have an address verification hold, you can update your local and permanent addresses and telephone via TruView and the hold will be lifted on the hour – be sure to navigate through all of the address verification screens to submit your permanent address at the end. Make sure your advisor has cleared you for registration BEFORE your assigned registration date!  If you need technical assistance, please stop by the ITS Help Desk with a picture ID.  As always, you can contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance at or 785-4143, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.

You can Wait List a course by selecting Wait List from the drop down menu in the Summary box.   Remember that if you receive an email that there is a seat available in a course you have wait listed for, you have 24 hours from the time that is date-stamped on the email to enroll yourself in the course or drop yourself off of the wait list.  If you do not enroll during that 24 hour period, you will be automatically dropped from the wait list.

To Browse Classes, click on the Browse Classes link, select a term, and enter a course subject in the Subject box by typing in the subject or clicking within the box for a dropdown menu. Click on Search to display courses. Hover your mouse over the title of a course and click, it will pop up a box titled Class Details for (Class  XXX).  There will be details for the course section you are looking at and a list of links to click on for more information, to buy the book, etc.

In the Advanced Search Option, you can search by the following:

       Subject

       CRN

       Keyword

       Instructor

       Subject and Course Number

       Attribute

       Level

       Buildings

       College

       Departments

       Instructional Methods

       Schedule Type

       Etc.

There are several features to Banner 9 Registration:

       Conditional Add and Drop is a feature that allows you to stay enrolled in the class you are dropping unless the other class has a seat available.  On the Register for Classes screen, just check the box next to Conditional Add and Drop (in the bottom left corner by the Submit button) if you want to keep the class in which you are enrolled if you can’t get into the class you are trying to add. Utilizing this feature is highly recommended so that you don’t drop a class without knowing that you are enrolled in the other class.

       Emailing Your Schedule – you can now email your schedule to yourself or other people.  Select Schedules and Options and you will see two versions of your schedule.  In the upper right hand corner of this box, just select the envelope icon.  You will see that your Truman email is the default email and there are boxes to enter other email addresses.

       Adding your schedule to your personal calendar – once you email your schedule to your Truman email, it will give you the ability to add your schedule to your personal calendar as a .csv file.

       Printing your schedule – you can also print your schedule immediately in a more user friendly output by selecting the printer icon in the Schedules and Options section.

Common Error Messages

Closed Course – check to see if other sections of the same course are still open or place yourself on a wait list if that is listed as an option.

Link Error – you may see “CRN Required or Co-Requisite Error”.  This means that you will need to enroll in another course at the same time you are enrolling in the first course.

Class Restriction/Major Restriction/Pre-requisite Restriction – this means that a department has limited a course to certain students.  If you believe you meet these criteria and wish to speak with someone, contact the appropriate Department Office.

Time Conflict – This means that you are attempting to enroll in a course that is at the same time as another course or overlaps another course.  You either need to drop the course or contact the appropriate instructor (s) to see about an override.

Repeat Hours Exceed or Repeat Count Exceed – this indicates you are attempting to register for a course in which you have already earned credit.  If you wish to enroll in a course for which you previously earned credit and earned a grade of D or better, you need an override from the Registrar’s Office.  Students who previously earned a C or better and want to repeat a course must wait until after the open enrollment period for the subsequent semester has ended and then contact the Registrar’s Office for the override.

Maximum hours exceed – this error message indicates you are attempting to register for more than 17 hours (undergraduate students) and 16 hours (graduate students).  There are overload fees that impact enrollment and you must get permission before being allowed to enroll in an overload.  Complete an academic appeal for an overload request by navigating through Truview -> Student Tab -> Courses & Grades -> Academic Appeals to submit your request for approval.

Student Attribute Restriction – this error message occurs when a senior tries to register for a JINS course. Seats in these courses are reserved for students who will be juniors (by cohort or credit hours) the following semester. You can request the attribute by completing the form at

There are more error messages that might pop up but these are the most common.

Note: Each Department Office may have different procedures for resolving course errors. Departments may override errors only for their own courses.

For information on auditing a course or signing up for a course CR/NC (credit/no credit), please follow these instructions:

Students with disabilities or students who need special registration assistance may contact Disability Services at

Students who need technical assistance should contact the Information Technology Services Help Desk at or 660-785-4544.

Additionally, the Academic Affairs Office is seeking information on the courses of greatest interest to students who may enroll during the Summer and Interim Sessions in 2021. After you complete your Spring 2021 registration, we encourage you to visit this survey and provide feedback on the kinds of courses you are interested in. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Associate Provost, Kevin Minch, at 785-4105 or

Here is the link to copy and paste into your browser if the link above does not work:

Nancy Asher, Registrar
Truman State University
100 E. Normal Avenue
Kirksville, MO 63501
Fax: 660-785-7396

Preparing for Registration for Spring 2021

Registration for the Spring 2021 semester is approaching. Official registration times at Truman are assigned by earned credit hours. The registration dates for the spring 2021 term are listed below, and you may register and add/drop courses at or after these times but not before.


Spring 2021 Registration Schedule
Group (by recorded hours earned as of October 2020) First Available Registration Date First Available Time
Graduate Students
0.00+ hours earned Wednesday, October 21 7:00 a.m.
Undergraduate Students
125.0+ hours earned Wednesday, October 21 7:00 a.m.
107.5 – 124.99 hours earned Thursday, October 22 7:00 a.m.
95.5 – 107.49 hours earned Friday, October 23 7:00 a.m.
83.5 – 95.49 hours earned Monday, October 26 7:00 a.m.
70.5 – 83.49 hours earned Tuesday, October 27 7:00 a.m.
60.0 – 70.49 hours earned Wednesday, October 28 7:00 a.m.
48.0 – 59.99 hours earned Thursday, October 29 7:00 a.m.
37.0 – 47.99 hours earned Friday, October 30 7:00 a.m.
30.0 – 36.99 hours earned Monday, November 2 7:00 a.m.
22.0 – 29.99 hours earned Tuesday, November 3 7:00 a.m.
11.0 – 21.99 hours earned Wednesday, November 4 7:00 a.m.
1.0 – 10.99 hours earned Thursday, November 5 7:00 a.m.
0.0 – 0.99 hours earned Friday, November 6 7:00 a.m.


As a currently enrolled Truman student, you are eligible to register for spring 2021 courses via TruView.

If you are an international student who is studying from your home country and have internet connectivity issues, you may contact the Registrar’s Office at and we will work with you to help you enroll. We are able to enroll you on your scheduled registration day starting at 8:00a.m. if you email your desired spring 2021 course list with CRNs listed. You are responsible for clearing all holds ahead of time and ensuring that you meet all pre-requisites or test score requirements. We will reply to your email once you are registered. If we are not able to enroll you due to any registration errors, we will notify you of the errors so you can address the issues with the appropriate department(s).

To register for classes login to TruView and click on the Student tab, then on the Registration tab within the Student Data box/channel. Then click on Register/Change Schedule to enter the Registration Module and click on Register for Classes. Once registration opens on October 21, you will be able to select the Spring 2021 term and be able to use the registration tool to find classes, enter CRNs, build a schedule, and submit your registration on your assigned registration date.

Below are steps you must do before you register along with some tips and hints as you prepare for registration.  You can also find a step-by-step tutorial at

Please make sure to meet with your advisor and check your registration status BEFORE your registration time to ensure that all of your accesses are functioning properly, you have been cleared to register, and holds have been cleared.

In TruView, you should navigate to the Registration tab to prepare for registration by checking your registration status, updating student term data and completing pre-registration requirements (such as the Registration Agreements and seeing if there are any other holds on your account that need cleared to register). If you have not submitted your Registration Agreement or cleared your registration holds, you will not be able to enroll.  If you have an address verification hold, you can update your local and permanent addresses and telephone via TruView and the hold will be lifted on the hour – be sure to navigate through all of the address verification screens to submit your permanent address at the end. Make sure your advisor has cleared you for registration BEFORE your assigned registration date!  If you need technical assistance, please stop by the ITS Help Desk with a picture ID.  As always, you can contact the Registrar’s Office for assistance at or 785-4143, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.

You can Wait List a course by selecting Wait List from the drop down menu in the Summary box.   Remember that if you receive an email that there is a seat available in a course you have wait listed for, you have 24 hours from the time that is date-stamped on the email to enroll yourself in the course or drop yourself off of the wait list.  If you do not enroll during that 24 hour period, you will be automatically dropped from the wait list.

To Browse Classes, click on the Browse Classes link, select a term, and enter a course subject in the Subject box by typing in the subject or clicking within the box for a dropdown menu. Click on Search to display courses. Hover your mouse over the title of a course and click, it will pop up a box titled Class Details for (Class  XXX).  There will be details for the course section you are looking at and a list of links to click on for more information, to buy the book, etc.

In the Advanced Search Option, you can search by the following:

       Subject
       CRN
       Keyword
       Instructor
       Subject and Course Number
       Attribute
       Level
       Buildings
       College
       Departments
       Instructional Methods
       Schedule Type
       Etc.

There are several features to Banner 9 Registration:

       Conditional Add and Drop is a feature that allows you to stay enrolled in the class you are dropping unless the other class has a seat available.  On the Register for Classes screen, just check the box next to Conditional Add and Drop (in the bottom left corner by the Submit button) if you want to keep the class in which you are enrolled if you can’t get into the class you are trying to add. Utilizing this feature is highly recommended so that you don’t drop a class without knowing that you are enrolled in the other class.

       Emailing Your Schedule – you can now email your schedule to yourself or other people.  Select Schedules and Options and you will see two versions of your schedule.  In the upper right hand corner of this box, just select the envelope icon.  You will see that your Truman email is the default email and there are boxes to enter other email addresses.

       Adding your schedule to your personal calendar – once you email your schedule to your Truman email, it will give you the ability to add your schedule to your personal calendar as a .csv file.

       Printing your schedule – you can also print your schedule immediately in a more user friendly output by selecting the printer icon in the Schedules and Options section.

Common Error Messages

Closed Course – check to see if other sections of the same course are still open or place yourself on a wait list if that is listed as an option.

Link Error – you may see “CRN Required or Co-Requisite Error”.  This means that you will need to enroll in another course at the same time you are enrolling in the first course.

Class Restriction/Major Restriction/Pre-requisite Restriction – this means that a department has limited a course to certain students.  If you believe you meet these criteria and wish to speak with someone, contact the appropriate Department Office.

Time Conflict – This means that you are attempting to enroll in a course that is at the same time as another course or overlaps another course.  You either need to drop the course or contact the appropriate instructor (s) to see about an override.

Repeat Hours Exceed or Repeat Count Exceed – this indicates you are attempting to register for a course in which you have already earned credit.  If you wish to enroll in a course for which you previously earned credit and earned a grade of D or better, you need an override from the Registrar’s Office.  Students who previously earned a C or better and want to repeat a course must wait until after the open enrollment period for the subsequent semester has ended and then contact the Registrar’s Office for the override.

Maximum hours exceed – this error message indicates you are attempting to register for more than 17 hours (undergraduate students) and 16 hours (graduate students).  There are overload fees that impact enrollment and you must get permission before being allowed to enroll in an overload.  Complete an academic appeal for an overload request by navigating through Truview -> Student Tab -> Courses & Grades -> Academic Appeals to submit your request for approval.

Student Attribute Restriction – this error message occurs when a senior tries to register for a JINS course. Seats in these courses are reserved for students who will be juniors (by cohort or credit hours) the following semester. You can request the attribute by completing the form at

There are more error messages that might pop up but these are the most common.

Note: Each Department Office may have different procedures for resolving course errors. Departments may override errors only for their own courses.

For information on auditing a course or signing up for a course CR/NC (credit/no credit), please follow these instructions:

Students with disabilities or students who need special registration assistance may contact Disability Services at

Students who need technical assistance should contact the Information Technology Services Help Desk at or 660-785-4544.

Additionally, the Academic Affairs Office is seeking information on the courses of greatest interest to students who may enroll during the Summer and Interim Sessions in 2021. After you complete your Spring 2021 registration, we encourage you to visit this survey and provide feedback on the kinds of courses you are interested in. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Associate Provost, Kevin Minch, at 785-4105 or

Here is the link to copy and paste into your browser if the link above does not work:

Registrar’s Office