Budget Update

Budget Update

January 25, 2017

Dear Colleagues:

As I shared in my last email, the President’s Administrative Council and I have begun to develop processes to address the current withholdings, as well as anticipated budget challenges in the next fiscal year and beyond. Because the current withholdings represent one-time money and future budget challenges will most likely involve permanent cuts, we are separating the two processes.

I have met with the vice presidents and we all agree that the $3,114,832 withholding affects the entire University and as such, the entire University must pull together and contribute to covering the shortfall. In addition to using money that is held centrally, your vice president will be reaching out to determine what funds are available in your area to meet this immediate budget challenge.

While we determine how we will meet the decrease in state appropriations for this fiscal year, we are also working on developing a synergistic, strategic, and inclusive process to inform fiscal decisions in the future. I will keep you updated as we formulate an approach.

We have hard choices to make, but by keeping our focus on the success of our students and the future needs of our beloved institution, I am confident we will realize our vision that “…Truman graduates will be citizen-leaders committed to service; globally competitive; able to thrive in the complexities of an advanced, technical and multicultural world; and inspired to live healthy and meaningful lives.”

We are Truman!
