President's Office

  • Budget Update and February Board of Governors Meeting Report

    February 6, 2017

    Dear Colleagues: The Truman State University Board of Governors held their first regularly scheduled meeting of the 2017 calendar year this past Saturday under the leadership of newly elected Chair Mike LaBeth.  Other officers for the 2017 calendar year include Vice Chair Cheryl J. Cozette and Secretary Laura A. Crandall.  The Board took the opportunity […]

  • Coffee (and Chocolates) with the President

    Dear Colleagues: The first Coffee (and Chocolates) of the semester is scheduled for Thursday, February 16, at 3:30 p.m. in the SUB Conference Room (SUB 3000). This coffee will focus on the recommendations of two Next Steps teams that made reports to faculty governance last fall:  a bill calling for the reform of the LSP; […]

  • All-University Meeting

    February 2, 2017

    Interim President Sue Thomas will hold an All-University Meeting on Wednesday, February 15, at 3:30 p.m. in the Georgian Room of the Student Union. The annual State of the University address will focus on the state budget for next year as well as the processes that are being developed to not only address the current […]

  • Budget Update

    January 25, 2017

    Dear Colleagues: As I shared in my last email, the President’s Administrative Council and I have begun to develop processes to address the current withholdings, as well as anticipated budget challenges in the next fiscal year and beyond. Because the current withholdings represent one-time money and future budget challenges will most likely involve permanent cuts, […]

  • Budget Update

    January 17, 2017

    Dear Truman Community: Welcome back!  I am so happy to have the campus full of our students, faculty and staff again, and I look forward to all of the terrific things we will accomplish together this semester. While it is a wonderful time for us to be back together, unfortunately, it is not a wonderful […]