2016-2020 Strategic Plan Closeout Report and 2021-2025 Strategic Plan

2016-2020 Strategic Plan Closeout Report and 2021-2025 Strategic Plan

April 8, 2021

Hello Truman Community!

Through the impressive work of many dedicated individuals on campus, we have successfully brought the 2016-2020 strategic plan to a close and obtained Board of Governors’ approval for the 2021-2025 strategic plan.  While closing out one strategic plan and finalizing a new one would be major accomplishments at any time, achieving these milestones during a pandemic makes them all the more remarkable.  Please join me in expressing our immense gratitude to everyone who made these accomplishments possible.

The closeout report associated with the 2016-2020 strategic plan can be found here:  https://wp-internal.truman.edu/strategicplan/files/2021/04/Strat-Plan-2016-2020-Closeout-Report-March-2021.pdf.  All other documents associated with this plan can be found at https://wp-internal.truman.edu/strategicplan/previous-plans/.  Spoiler alert – we accomplished a lot more than overcoming COVID challenges!

The new strategic plan, with a focus on initiatives designed to move the needle on core foundational metrics through key performance indicators, can be found here: https://wp-internal.truman.edu/strategicplan/.  This site also contains supporting documents that detail the development of the plan as well as a summary of metric and initiative responsibility.

Now the work of realizing the goals of the new strategic plan begins in earnest.  All of us must determine how our work contributes to achieving these essential objectives.  The Strategic Planning and Assessment Workshop (SPAW) this August will be devoted to officially launching the plan and figuring out the specific actions necessary to realize its potential.

As we have learned time and again over the past year, achieving our desired outcomes takes every one of us.  I look forward to accomplishing all of the goals of our new strategic plan together!

All best wishes,
