Coffee (and Chocolates) with the President

Coffee (and Chocolates) with the President

April 18, 2017

Dear Colleagues:

My final coffee for this academic year is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26, at 2:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the Student Union Building (SUB 3000).

Members of the Next Steps Team 8 (Steve Hudman, Associate Professor of Biology, and Jay Self, Associate Professor of Communication) will present findings from their recently completed report that was presented to Undergraduate Council on April 13. The team was charged with conducting a pilot to embed liberal learning outcomes in each course of a program. Six departments participated in the pilot:  Biology, Sociology/Anthropology, Business Administration, Communication, Communication Disorders, and Computer Science.

The work of this team grew out of the efforts of the Action Teams and Blue Print Teams over the past two years. Background information on and reports of all these teams can be found on TruView.

I hope that your schedule will allow you to attend.

Best regards,
