Languages and Linguistics

  • cooking demo for Club Ñ

    April 25, 2017

    Dr. Andrea Nate recently hosted a cooking demo for Club Ñ. With the help of Dr. Stacy Davis and Spanish major and Club Ñ president Robyn Schroeder, students from different levels of Spanish were able to come together in Dr. Nate’s home to enjoy some delicious eats and treats that hail from various regions of […]

  • Pi Delta Phi initation April 23, 2017

    April 23, 2017

    French Honorary members and officers of the Iota Tau chapter of Pi Delta Phi held their traditional induction ceremony and French dinner at the Newman Center at 2 pm on Sunday, April 23, 2017. The ceremony was conducted by officers Michaela, Clara, Kelly and Beppy. (See photos of officers and Eric, an initiate.) Our Pi […]

  • Spanish Immersion Weekend

    April 5, 2017

    This year’s Spanish Immersion Weekend was a huge success! Ten students, Spanish majors and minors, accompanied Prof. Carreño and Prof. Davis to Camp Jo-Ota in Clarence, MO. Everyone spent the weekend conversing in Spanish only, watching a movie, participating in a variety of different discussion activities, playing juegos de mesa, as well as preparing guacamole, Spanish […]

  • Pasta-making at the Foreign Language Festival

    March 30, 2017

    The Italian Club (C.I.A.O.) had a wonderful time this week partnering with other foreign language orgs on campus to offer a week of foreign-language events, including film screenings and cooking demonstrations. Today (Wed. March 29) C.I.A.O. offered a fresh-pasta making workshop open to all Truman students in the Chariton Room of MO-Hall, where participants learned […]

  • Spanish-language Standardized Patient Encounters

    March 24, 2017

    On Friday, March 24, Dr. Andrea Nate’s Spanish for the Medical Professions students completed their first Spanish-language Standardized Patient Encounters at A.T. Still University.  During the encounters, students perform the roles of doctors for Spanish-speaking patients. In mock clinical consultation rooms, the student doctors performed standardized complete Spanish-language consultations in which they took the patients’ […]

  • Sigma Delta Pi Photo Contest 2017!

    February 16, 2017

    Submit a photo that you took of anything depicting Hispanic culture around the world. Any Truman student, not just SDP members, can participate! Just post a photo with a caption that includes: 1. The “title” of the photo 2. Your name 3. The country it is in and what the picture shows And you can […]

  • Explore South America: Presentaciones Culturales

    This semester Sigma Delta Pi is taking Truman students on an educational expedition through South America’s “southern cone”. With looks into the political, cultural, and societal aspects of Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile, students will get a fuller picture of Latin American life. Come join us for these cultural presentations and even get extra credit in […]

  • How memory can (and can’t) help you learn a second language

    February 15, 2017

    Truman State University’s Second Language Acquisition Colloquium How memory can (and can’t) help you learn a second language Dr. Philip Hamrick Kent State University Monday, March 6, 2017 7 p.m. Del and Norma Robison Planetarium Dr. Hamrick is the principal investigator of the Language and Cognition Research Laboratory at Kent State University Sponsored by […]

  • Linguaprofs: Videos and Discussion

    February 14, 2017

    Linguaprofs: Videos and Discussion Wednesday, February 22nd 5-6 p.m. MC 306 Come watch “What’s in your head isn’t necessarily what you think is there” and “Practice isn’t what it’s cracked up to be” and participate in a lively discussion on the principles of Second Language Acquisition and their implications for Foreign Language Pedagogy.

  • Tale of Tales: A Feast for the Imagination

    The  Department of Classical and Modern Languages is pleased to announce Tale of Tales: A Feast for the Imagination, a film screening and guest lecture by Dr. Marino Forlino (Scripps College) on the influences of Arabic literature on the Italian literary tradition.  Both events are free and open to the public; all are encouraged to […]