Languages and Linguistics

  • Sangro tinta

    January 29, 2018

    Alexandria Hult and Lydia Pearson will read from their recently published volume, Sangro tinta, on Wednesday, February 7th at 5:00pm in BH 114. In this book of Spanish poetry, the authors explore in their own poetic voices and with beautiful language some of the topics any good poem should treat: passion, anger, fear, hope, and […]

  • Vuelo de cuervos

    Vuelo de cuervos Erick Blandón Wednesday, March 28th 5:00pm BH 114 This novel narrates the story of a young poet sent to document a military mission whose main purpose is to forcefully remove the Miskito peoples from their land. This indigenous community has lived for centuries in the Nicaraguan Caribe region, close to an area […]

  • Satiric and Political Graphics in the Modern Times Exhibit

    January 8, 2018

    The intention of this small exhibit is to provide a brief overview of graphic art throughout history that, with the use of satire and visual power, has exposed the fundamental contradictions and nonsense that define modern society. Nevertheless, the cultivators of this disciple are so numerous and renowned that it is frankly difficult to include […]

  • Poster Presentation about Special Topics in Chinese Culture

    December 21, 2017

    Students of CHIN 311, Introduction to Chinese Culture, presented their posters about special topics in Chinese culture on Dec. 15. A variety of topics ranging from traditional issues such as the Silk Road, Fengshui and Monkey King to contemporary issues such as the one-child policy and the Three Gorges Dam were detailed. Faculty and students […]

  • Study Abroad in Salamanca, Spain

    December 5, 2017

    The Department of Classical and Modern Languages is pleased to announce an exciting Summer Study Abroad opportunity taking place in Salamanca, Spain from May 21 through July 29, 2018. Students who are accepted will spend 7 weeks studying at Academia Mester, earning 12 credits. Courses can count toward a Spanish major or minor, as well […]

  • 2017 CML Festival Celebration

    November 22, 2017

    The annual CML Festival was celebrated on Nov. 16, 2017. 327 high school students from Adair and neighboring counties participated in a variety of activities organized by CML faculty to experience 12 different languages. There were sessions teaching the basics of the target languages, as well as content-based sessions where students learned love songs, the […]

  • Students’ Calligraphy and Paper-Cut Works Are Exhibited in the Library

    November 8, 2017

    Students of CHIN 311, Introduction to Chinese Culture, practiced some traditional Chinese forms of art, including Chinese calligraphy and paper-cut in class. Selected works are exhibited on the third floor of the library now. As an attempt to combine cultural practices with theoretical studies, the instructor of this course, Dr. Liulin Zhang, incorporated various culture-related […]

  • Chinese Moon Festival Celebration

    October 26, 2017

    Chinese Moon Festival Celebrated at Truman The Chinese Moon Festival Tea Party was held on Oct. 7 in the Georgian Rooms of the Student Union Building. Over 150 students and faculty members attended, participated in games, and enjoyed Chinese food and performances. The Chinese Moon Festival, also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on […]

  • Spanish and French interpreters for the Milan School district

    October 23, 2017

    On Thursday, October 19th,  Dr. Audrey Viguier and Truman students Megan Kraus and Maria Pardon-Garcia volunteered as interpreters in Spanish and French for the Milan School district. The three helped translate for the fall semester parent teacher conferences. According to one teacher, 58% of the students in the district are Latino, and the administration is […]