Search for Vice President for Student Affairs

Search for Vice President for Student Affairs

September 5, 2017

Dear Campus Community:

As we relaunch our search, I am pleased to announce that the following seven individuals, representing various constituent groups on campus,  have agreed to serve on the Vice President for Student Affairs Search Advisory Committee:

Michael Bazemore, Athletics
Elizabeth Clark, Social and Cultural Studies
Dave Lusk, Student Affairs
Stephanie Maiden, Biology
Luis Ortiz, student
Jonathan Vieker, Center for Academic Excellence
Jordan Webber, student

Elizabeth Clark will serve as committee chair.  Qualifications of the position and application requirements can be found at  Review of applications will begin September 28 with the goal to have the new Vice President for Student Affairs in place in January 2018.

This is a very talented and dedicated committee, and I thank each of them for their willingness to take on this important assignment.

Best regards,
