

March 14, 2011

Math faculty members received the following email this week, and it is included here for any interested students:

I am a representative of the US Backgammon Assn and I would very much like to sponsor and coach a Backgammon team from Truman.  We only need 3 players to compete at schools, but I need help publicizing this project and finding players.

In case you aren’t familiar with Backgammon, it is, of course, a fun board game, but it is ALL MATH.  Odds and probability determines every decision, and to play well, one must do a lot of math and figure the odds and decide what risks to take.  We are finding success at colleges around the country getting Math and Computer Science majors interested in Backgammon.  I am hoping you could help me find the right people to talk to that would be interested in sponsoring a team or club at your school.  Note that there is no travel or expense involved as all inter-collegiate competition is on line.  Even if we have students who don’t know the game, we will teach them and coach them.

Phil Simborg

Education Advisor
