MATH 440 Time Change

MATH 440 Time Change

September 23, 2015

Math students:

I’ve had a request to move the time of Math 440 Topology in the spring due to conflicts for people who want to take the class. I’m considering the times listed below. If you are planning to take the class but CANNOT take it at any or all of the times listed, please send me a note no later than Tuesday, September 29th. We’ll make a decision based on the feedback received by that time.

Current time for Math 440 is TR 9:00-10:20.

Possible new times for Math 440:
MWF 8:30-9:20
MWF 1:30-2:20
MWF 3:30-4:20
MW 4:30-5:50
TR 12:00-1:20
TR 4:30-5:50

Thank you for your prompt responses!
Dr. LaGrassa