The students of HLTH 255-01, Introduction to Community and Public Health, promoted safe driving across campus throughout the month of September. Awareness table locations included McClain, Magruder, Pershing Building, Mo Hall, and the SUB. Students increased awareness about the CHEERS program. CHEERS promotes designated drivers by providing free non-alcoholic drinks to those who are designated drivers. A designated driver is defined as someone who has consumed no alcohol, not even a sip. There are nine establishments in Kirksville that support the CHEERS program and provide free drinks to those who are designated drivers. People who stop at an awareness table obtain free reminder items, such as CHEERS cups, highlighters, sodas, pens and more as well as information about risk reduction. The students shared basic information about what a designated driver is and the CHEERS program. As of September 23, students had made contacts with 1045 individuals at their tables. To learn more about the CHEERS program and which establishments in Kirksville participate, go to