Future health science professionals have been hard at work recently. The students in Health 255, Introduction to Community and Public Health, have been tabling around the campus of Truman advocating for safe and sober driving. They have been working tables in Magruder Hall, the SUB, and McClain Hall promoting the CHEERS program (a state-wide program giving free drinks to designated drivers) and “Drive Safe: Drive Smart.” The students started this project in late January and will continue into March. They are making a difference in their community not only by promoting and reminding everyone to drive safe and responsibly, but also by providing everyday necessities like hand sanitizer, tissues, and highlighters to all who stop by the table. One of the students in the class summed up his experience tabling by stating, “It seemed like an inconvenience at first taking time out of my day to sit at this table but after I was finished I was extremely glad I participated. I got to make a difference in my fellow student’s lives.”