AED Hero in Truman’s Homecoming Parade

Brian Strode was  the AED mascot in the Homecoming parade on 10/8/11.   Brian is a HS major in HLTH 440 and is assigned to the NEMO Heart Health Committee to increase the knowledge of community members about AEDs.  These HLTH 440 students are also helping to raise money and make appearances at the “unveiling” of new AEDs in the community.

“Brian did a great job as our AED Mascot!!!!  I heard kids yelling, “HEY SUPERMAN”!!!!  It was great!!!  I think the greatest part about this day was the conversations I heard from people in the crowd as we handed them the brochure (and we handed out almost all 500 of them!).  As the truck would pass, I heard people begin conversations about what they knew about AEDs and it was all GOOD!!!!!  People really believe in AEDs and are recognizing their benefit.  I believe this was one more affirmation that our work is not in vain and we are making a difference!!!!!!!” Lisa Archer RN BSN