Languages and Linguistics

  • Dr. Carlo Annelli publishes “Teachers, Students and Social Margins on the Italian Screen.”

    August 21, 2020

    Dr. Carlo Annelli recently published an article entitled, “Teachers, Students and Social Margins on the Italian Screen,” in the Spring 2020 issue of Italica: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Italian. The article examines the narrative affinities shared by six telefilmic and cinematic works centered on student/educator dynamics in marginalized communities.

  • Dr. José Carreño Medina publishes El México ausente en Octavio Paz

    August 20, 2020

    During the fall semester of 2019, Dr. José Carreño Medina completed the manuscript of an academic book entitled El México ausente en Octavio Paz, which has been recently published in Spain by Iberoamericana/Vervuert (August 2020). Using post-colonial and trans-modern literary theories, Dr. Carreño Medina analyzes the historical and political process of how the mestizaje discourse articulated by Octavio […]

  • Faculty Scholarship Grant awarded to Dr. Stacy L. Davis

    April 14, 2020

    Dr. Stacy L. Davis has been chosen to receive a $1,400 Faculty Scholarship Grant from the Office of Academic Affairs to begin work on a book manuscript. Working with two Truman students, Kathleen Placke and Claire Benevento, Dr. Davis will begin compiling short stories by Spain’s foremost feminist writer, Emilia Pardo Bazán, that deal with emigration and the […]

  • United Speakers – Black History Month

    March 2, 2020

    United Speakers is constantly working to find creative ways to help the Congolese population of Kirksville expand their knowledge of the English language. As this month is Black History month they have been teaching lessons that center around the theme of African American artists. Junior, Taj Butler has been striving to create interactive lessons about […]

  • CML/MAE visit ATSU

    January 21, 2020

    Shortly before winter break, MAE student Ian Crane and pre-MAE students Zyanya Hernandez and Adrianna Ovalle worked at ATSU to help in patient simulations in Spanish.  Accompanied by their advisor, Dr. Stacy Davis (CML/ED), these future Bulldog language instructors had a great time building cross-campus and community connections. Keep up the good work!!

  • Dr. Viguier and senior French student Michael Moore presented at the ACTFL Convention

    December 2, 2019

    From November 22 to November 24, Dr. Audrey Viguier and senior French major Michael Moore traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Conference’s (ACTFL) annual convention and world languages expo. ACTFL is dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages […]

  • TSU and ATSU Spanish Patient Simulations

    November 8, 2019

    On Thursday, November 7th, Dr. Stacy Davis (CML/ED) took pre-MAE students Zyanya Hernandez and Adrianna Ovalle and MAE student Ian Crane to ATSU’s Performance Assessment Center. Our future Bulldog language teachers were hosted by ATSU’s Medical Spanish Club to perform patient simulations in Spanish. We loved forming cross-campus connections as Truman helped ATSU medical students […]

  • Spanish Summer Online Courses (560G, 502G)

    October 16, 2019

    This link has information and contact numbers for non-degree seeking students wanting to enroll in Truman classes.   If you have specific questions you could contact: Dana Rigby Truman State University Institute for Academic Outreach 303 McClain Hall PH: 660-785-5406

  • Beyond Appearances: An Evening with François Ozon

    The French Honor Society Pi Delta Phi will host a live webinar on Wednesday, October 23rd @ 6.30 pm in BH 219.  François Ozon, one of the most important and influential directors in the French “new New Wave,” will offer public reflections about his most recent film, By the Grace of God, the real-life events […]

  • The Paris Chamber of Commerce interviews Michael Moore about Truman’s French for the Professions offering.

    October 14, 2019

    Michael Moore, étudiant à Truman State University Entretien avec Michael Moore, étudiant à Truman State University aux États-Unis et lauréat d’un Diplôme de français des Affaires et d’un Diplôme de français du Tourisme, de l’Hôtellerie et de la Restauration (niveau B1) . Pouvez-vous vous présenter ? Je m’appelle Michael Moore, je vis dans le Missouri, […]