National Classics Honor Society (Eta Sigma Phi) annual convention
March 29, 2019Highlights from the annual convention of the National Classics Honor Society (Eta Sigma Phi)
- Truman was represented at the convention by four Classics majors and two Classics faculty; the convention was held at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota
- Emily Camden (’20) was elected as national vice president (megale hyparchos); she will be in charge of outreach and new chapter development
- Joe Slama (‘19) and Austin Redding (‘19) presented their capstone papers; they were two of only four undergraduates nationally to be selected for this honor
- Joe Slama’s paper was accepted for the Eta Sigma Phi panel at the Society for Classical Studies meeting in January 2020
- Adam Schmitz (’20) won 2nd place in Koine Greek in national translation contests
- Truman’s certamen team made it to the semi-finals
- Truman was selected to host the 2021 Eta Sigma Phi ConventionL to R – Emily Camden (’20), Christina Slipke (’20), Austin Redding (’19), and Joe Slama (’19) L to R — Christina Slipke (’20), Austin Redding (’19), Joe Slama (’19), Emily Camden (’20), Dr. Amy Norgard, and Dr. Bridget Thomas