FACULTY AND STAFF: Vaccine Clinic Registration and Return to Work Guidelines

Dear Campus Community:

All higher education faculty and staff are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. We strongly encourage employees to take advantage of the on-campus event scheduled for Wednesday, April 7.

With widespread vaccine opportunity becoming available, all employees currently working remotely should return to in-person work by Monday, May 10. This coincides with our shift to the four-day summer work schedule for most departments.

The April 7 clinic is open to all University and Sodexo employees from 8 a.m.to 4 p.m. in Pershing Arena.

Hy-Vee Pharmacy will administer the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which requires only one dose to complete the vaccination. Individuals are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the receipt of the vaccine. This should provide ample time for employees to be fully vaccinated and return to work on campus by May 10.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, participants must complete two steps to be fully registered.

  1. All participants must complete the COVID-19 Vaccine Consent and Administration Record and return it to Human Resources, McClain Hall 101, no later than noon on Friday, April 2.
  2. Truman employees are able to schedule a vaccine appointment with their Truman login here: http://eventmanager.truman.edu/generallist.asp?department=Human+Resources. Sodexo employees must contact the Human Resources office at 660-785-4031 or stop by McClain Hall 101 to register. Anyone having trouble registering may contact Human Resources for assistance.

Participants are not fully registered until both steps are completed.

Appointments will be available at 15-minute intervals throughout the day. All vaccine recipients will be required to wait a minimum of 15 minutes following vaccination to detect any immediate untoward reactions.

The vaccine is provided at no cost. Insurance will be billed and insurance information is REQUIRED on the Consent record. For any individual without insurance, a driver’s license or Social Security number is required. (This is a state requirement.) Regardless of insurance coverage, no vaccine recipient will be charged personally for the vaccine.

Human Resources
Truman State University
McClain Hall 101
100 E. Normal Avenue
Kirksville, MO 63501
(660) 785-4031