Huping Ling

ling Huping Ling, Professor of History and Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor, the Chinese Ministry of education, has published the following books:

  1. Jinshan Yao: A New Chinese American History (in the Overseas Chinese History Series, China Overseas Chinese Publishing House, 2016).
  1. Asian American History and Culture: An Encyclopedia (co-editor, 2 Vols. M. E. Sharpe, 2010, Booklist/Reference Books Bulletin Editors’ Choice 2010 Award, Chinese edition in the Overseas Chinese Studies Translation Series, World Book Publishing Company 2016).
  1. Chinese Chicago: Race, Transnational Migration, and Community since 1870 (Chinese edition, in the Overseas Chinese Studies Translation Series, World Book Publishing Company, 2015).
  1. Jinshan Yao: A History of Chinese American Women (Expanded and Revised Edition in Classical Chinese. In the Showwei Social Sciences Series, Taipei: Showwei, 2015).