Exercise Science Collaborates With MU Football Coaches/Team

Dr. Jerry Mayhew, (HES Professor), Richie Schumacher (ES Graduate & Leadership Grad Student), David Meyerhoff (May ’14 ES Graduate), & Courtney Meyer (AT Student), pictured on the left,  Mrs. Jana Arabas (HES Instructor) and  Mrs. Brenda Embree (HES Administrative Assistant), pictured on the right, collaborated with the strength coaches at the University of Missouri to assess the body type and strength level of MU football players. Players were measured for skinfolds, muscle circumferences, and skeletal widths to determine their somatotype in an investigation exploring ways to make players stronger for their specific playing positions.  The information was gathered in April at Mizzou’s Practice Arena in Columbia, MO.

MizzouFootball 02-21 Jerry, Richie, David, and Courtney 2
Dr. Jerry Mayhew, Richie Schumacher, David Meyerhoff, & Courtney Meyer
MizzouFootball 02-21 Jana and Brenda
Mrs. Jana Arabas & Mrs. Brenda Embree