Drew Fuemmeler-ES Student-Completes Internship in Summer, 2014

DrewFuemmeler-Ymca-Rockies   Drew FuemmelerYMCA

Seventy Exercise Science students are completing experiential learning experiences while enrolled in either ES 250, Exercise Science Practicum I, or ES 370, Internship in Exercise Science this summer semester.  While vacationing in Colorado in June, HES instructor Liz Jorn and her husband Phil (Counselor-University Counseling Services) visited her academic advisee Drew Fuemmeler. Drew has a summer internship at the YMCA of the Rockies located in Estes Park, close to Rocky Mountain National Park.  He is a senior Exercise Science student with a concentration in Sport and Recreation Management.

During his two-month internship, Drew is serving as a sports counselor for children enrolled in Kindergarten through Grade 6. He is getting the kids excited about the World Cup, and trying out some new sports with them, including field hockey and cricket. He is finding his work experiences in Estes Park are an interesting supplement to his experiences in Kirksville.