Chinese Moon Festival Celebration

Chinese Moon Festival Celebration

October 3, 2018

On Sep. 30, the annual Moon Festival celebration attracted over 250 students and faculty members to the Georgian Rooms of the Student Union Building.

Performances were all organized by students, including guitar playing, swing dance, Asian pop dance and music, and ended in the famous Chinese folk song about the Moon Festival 《但愿人长久》‘May we all blessed with longevity. Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.’ After the performances, all students and faculty members from different countries sat together at round tables, enjoyed Chinese food, and had mooncakes.

For more than ten years, the annual Moon Festival celebration, sponsored by the Society for Sino-American Studies (SSAS) has been providing a stage for students to share their talents, an opportunity to bring together Chinese and American cultures, and a medium to demonstrate the diversity of Truman State University.